
Introducing Austin Hill

July 3, 2024

How does it feel to be named the next Walero athlete and what was your first reaction to the news?  

Shock, Excitement, and relief. I am humbled to be picked and appreciative. Being a small team, it means a LOT. Financially it helps the family, but also it is just nice to get recognised and seeing my name get selected along with other great drivers past and present is a real honour.

What persuaded you to enter the 2024 competition?

We saw an ad by HMS Motorsports in our email about the sponsorship applications and wanted to apply. I was persuaded by seeing not only the great products Walero offers, but also all of the fantastic support they can offer drivers. Walero athletes have great backing by Walero and they will help support them if or when they make it professionally. They also have amazing products that some of the best drivers and teams use for their Motorsports programs and I am thrilled to be a part of it!

What stands out to you about the Walero brand?

Walero is a well-developed company with huge ambition and some great marketing. Walero is a well-known brand in the racing world with all of their great products from seats to your everyday race wear. Walero’s marketing is also a great thing for them as they post very often and use strategies to get the customers, and everyone interested in not only the company but the brand and the story behind them and their drivers, to have my name associated with a brand of such standing is a privilege and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for the partnership.

What are you looking forward to most about being a Walero athlete?

I am looking forward to tonnes of things about being a Walero athlete, the biggest is getting to be part of such a big well supported community of not just drivers but a company that will back everything they do. You see so many great drivers involved with Walero and as a driver I am extremely grateful to make it to where some already have in their career and moving forward knowing I’m being supported by the same people as the professionals I want to be when I get older is something I  look forward to the most.

How has 2024 been for you so far from a racing perspective?

Challenging and educational. So far, my 2024 season has had its ups and downs but we are being consistent with what we are doing as a team. We have had our share of bad luck, but also our share of good luck this season as we hit road blocks, but we kept pushing and found our way around them to come out just as strong on the other side. A couple races into our season we had to move to a backup car. It had never been in the class we were competing in it with but we fought through it and it’s now just as fast as the primary chassis. That not only looks good on the team but it also looks good on me as a driver that I can tackle these road blocks and move forward with my career and not get slowed down by them. The season should be picking up soon as are Trans Am car should be ready to rock in July!

Could you provide a short overview of your career so far for our followers? 

2019 was my first full season in karting with 43 wins and 14 championships and in 2020 we followed it up with several more wins and starting to get some track time in the F2000 cars for the next year.

In 2021 as a rookie I won a total of 10 Formula races and 21 podium finishes. I added awards and champships my first year. My biggest accomplishment is the podium finish at the SCCA National Runoffs at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I was the youngest driver to ever stand on the podium at the SCCA National Runoffs as well as the youngest to be on the podium at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I was the youngest driver to win a Formula Atlantic and a F2000 race with SCCA Pro Series FRP. Winning the Formula Atlantic Championship with SCCA Pro Series FRP made him the youngest champion in the FRP Series history.  

In 2022 I raced in SCCA Pro Series Formula Race Promotions in both the F2000 and Atlantic Championship series.  I would take 6 of the 10 wins with 3 second places and 1 3rd to clinch the 2022 title again in the Formula Atlantic. In the F2000 series I took 2 wins and only finished off the podium 5 times in 2022 to repeat as the Vice Champion in 2022. In the SCCA we raced in the FX and Formula Atlantic races. At the Runoffs we finished 2nd in the FX class and 3rd in the Formula Atlantic class.  

In 2023 I expanded his racing resume by adding a couple new classes. We added the Spec MX5 car and a Trans Am series car in the XGT class and Formula Regionals with the F3. I had a Goal to win his 3rd SCCA Pro FRP Formula Atlantic Championship which I did with 6 Wins, 1 Second in 8 races. FR America series we seemed to have mechanical issues some when we figured them out, we had Fast Time of the race at Mid-Ohio and finished with couple top 5 finishes against a stellar field from all over the world. We finished 8th in the Spec MX5 national points after missing a few of the races. 

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